(607) 962-5905
Dental Care For Your Pet – Corning Animal Hospital

Dental Care For Pets in the Corning, NY Area
Good oral health is important for maintaining the comfort and overall well-being of our pets. Dental disease is the most common disease seen in pets. Infections involving the teeth and gums can lead to pain and can also cause a decline in overall health by spreading to other areas of the body.
Our Veterinarians Are Dedicated To Your Pet’s Oral Hygiene
Our veterinarians and staff at Corning Animal Hospital provide high quality dental care for dogs and cats. We are skilled in the assessment, treatment, and prevention of dental problems. We offer professional teeth cleanings, and oral exams. We also use digital dental radiographs (“x-rays”) to accurately diagnose dental and oral diseases. When necessary, our doctors have the experience and equipment needed to perform surgical and non-surgical dental extractions as well as other oral surgical procedures.

11863 East Corning Rd
Corning, NY 14830
(607) 962-5905 (call)
607-900-4799 (Text)